About ... The Comittee & Constitution

The Committee
SCUM operates with a band of super volunteers; a committee of seven and various crews of enthusiastic members. We all love to ride and are passionate about all things Mountain Biking. The club constitution guides the committee and various crews as they oversee the running of events and the maintenance and development of our trails.
The 2015/2016 committee members are:
President - Grant Turner
Secretary - Brad Stein
Treasurer - Russ Phelan
Event Coordinator - Nick Smee
Trails Coordinator - Tony Conroy
Ordinary Committee member - Warren McLachlan
Ordinary Committee member - Matt Kidd
Committee meetings occur at least 3 times a year and usually coincide with an Event Crew meeting to nut out who is doing what for the next SCUM Event.
As per the club’s constitution, Committee members, including the executive committee members, are elected at the Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for a term of 12 months, after which (i.e. at the next AGM), all positions are vacated and new elections are held. Previous committee members and executive members are eligible for re-election.
If you are interested on helping out at an Event or with Trail Maintenance, jump on the Contact Page and let us know.
The Constitution
The constituion outlines the rules and obligations of the club to operate within NSW. When the club was originally incorporated the club members adopted a “Model Sport Club Constitution” as prepared by the then NSW Sport and Recreation (NSWSR) and the Office of Fair Trading. This constitution has since been updated and superseded by a “Model Constitution” developed by NSW Fair Trading. The current version, which is dated August 2010, can be found here.
From time to time NSW Fair Trading update the Model Constitution to ensure that it complies with relevant legislation changes; more details are available at the NSW Fair Trading website.