

The Fine Print


South Coast United Mountainbikers Inc. (SCUM) is an incorporated mountain bike club in the Shoalhaven area of the NSW South Coast. Originally formed in 2004, the club aims to foster mountain biking at competitive and social levels for riders of all age, gender, race, religion and wheel size. SCUM is affiliated with the National governing body for cycling 'Auscycling' and operates under an Occupational Permit with the NSW Forestry Corporation.


To find out about membership options or to join SCUM, head to our membership page.


AusCycling Affiliation

To be a member of SCUM, all riders must become a member of  AusCycling which is the peak body for all things cycling in in Australia and provides members access to a range of benefits; both within the club and within any affiliated club throughout Australia. The main benefit for members and the club is insurance coverage should the unforseen occur. For a full list of benefits and details on insurance coverage click here


State Forests & Forestry Corporation

SCUM has an Occupation Permit with Forestry Corporation which officially allows the club to operate its activities within the Currambene State Forest on the three trails detailed in the permit. The full permit is quite detailed but in summary it outlines:

  • where we can ride (i.e. hold official club events), and
  • how we should maintain our trails.

Riders are advised that SCUM’s permit with Forestry Corporation does not mean that we have exclusive access to the trails that we build (there may be walkers or runners even people on horseback; but hopefully no Motorbike riders).


State Forests are available to everyone; multiple activities are allowed including Mountain Biking, Bushwalking, Horse Riding, Camping, Four Wheel Driving and Trail Motorbike Riding, just to name a few. Although Motorbike riders and 4WD'ers should stay on firetrails and all 'operators' should be licenced and vehicles registered.  


Whilst Forestry Corporation does not condone the use of Mountain Bike trails by four wheel drives or trail bikes, it can not guarantee any level of enforcement of appropriate track usage. Riders are therefore advised that other users may be using SCUM’s trails at any time; the SCUM crew has attempted to signpost the trails in an attempt to advise other forest users of the intended use of the trails.


State Forests are fantastic places to visit & ride, access is free. 


SCUM is in regular contact with Forestry Corporation and our Occupancy Permit is reviewed on a regular basis. For more information about the activities allowed within State Forests see the Forestry Corporation website



An Incorporated Club

SCUM is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 of NSW. This means that SCUM (the association) is afforded its own legal identity separate from its members, protecting members from any legal transactions relating to activities of the club (i.e. should the proverbial hit to fan). It also means that SCUM has certain ‘rules and obligations’ as to how it operates as a club; the basics are outlined in the club constitution.


More detailed information of the rules and obligations of the club can be found at NSW Fair Trading on their ‘Associations Page’.




Official / Corporate links